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Showing posts with the label 1:72

WIP 1:72 Uruk-hai Pikemen

Painting up the Fighting Uruk-hai armed with pikes and fighting in phalanx formation. 1:72 Dark Alliance half-orcs.

1:72 Celtic Army

A 1:72 Celtic Aemy with figures from Airfix, Revell, etc.

Dwarven Warriors

"Since they were to come in the days of the power of Melkor, Aulë made the dwarves strong to endure. Therefore they are stone-hard, stubborn, fast in friendship and in enmity, and they suffer toil and hunger and hurt of body more hardily than all other speaking peoples; and they live long, far beyond the span of Men, yet not forever." More dwarves reconfigured from HotT to Mighty Armies use. 1/72 Caesar Miniatures

Painting the Dwarves

Painting the 1/72 crossbow elements of Caesar Miniatures' Dwarves set.

The Dwarves

1:72 Dwarves based for HotT but reconfigured for Might Armies Caesar Miniatures

1/72 Amazon Riders

1/72 unpainted amazon horseriders from Dark Alliance Miniatures.

The Imperishable Sons of the Sands

Mighty Armies Egyptian Undead 39pts 1x Anubites: 5pts; 4";6/2; General 3x Undead Giants: 4pts; 3"; 4/2 ; Fearless or Rampager 2x Giant Scorpions: 5pts; 4"; 5/2; Monstrous 3x Undead: 4pts;2";2/1 Fearless, Horde or Swarm

Sons of Anubis

Command unit for my Egyptian Undead army for Mighty Armies Anubites: 5pts; 4";6/2; General

The Children of Set, Undead Giants

Undead giants for Mighty Armies. 1/72 Arcane Legions plastic figures Undead Giants: 4pts; 3"; 4/2 ; Fearless or Rampager

Giant Scorpions

A pair of Giant Scorpions for Mighty Armies Giant Scorpions: 5pts; 4"; 5/2; Monstrous

The Egyptian Undead

Undead units for Mighty Armies Undead: 4pts;2";2/1 Fearless, Horde or Swarm

Bengal Lancers

WIP; 1:72

Grenadiers à Cheval de la Garde Impériale

WIP; 1:72