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Showing posts with the label skirmish

Force on Force

Preparing some 1:72 figures for a trial run of Osprey Publishing's Force on Force miniature wargaming rules for modern skirmishes. posted from Bloggeroid

Jungle Assault!

1:72 figures and diecast vehicles.

Up The Hill, Boys!

  American G.I.'s fight uphill, trying to dislodge the entrenched Japanese. 1:72 figures and diecast vehicles.

The Dungeon Project: Orcs Below

In the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game, orcs are a primitive race of savage, bestial, barbaric humanoid. The orc was one of the earliest creatures introduced in the D&D game. The D&D orc is largely based upon the orcs appearing in the works of J. R. R. Tolkien. from Wikipedia More figures, this time of orcs and a mountain troll for my dungeon project. One of the orcs is a metal figure from the same line while the other is named "half-troll" but will be a suitable orc muscle guy :) These are from Mage Knight, with the click bases removed. these will be rebased and repainted.

More of the Drow

“Drow are a dark-skinned sub-race of elves that predominantly live in the Underdark. They are generally evil... are shorter than many other sub-races of elves and, in common with most Underdark-dwelling creatures, have a tremendous resistance to magic. They also have a much higher birthrate than most other elves, but strife tends to keep their numbers down.” More on the Drow here .

The Dungeon Project: The Drow Are Massing!

The web grows ever larger... Huge Fiendish Spider - Personality Points:108 Quality:3+ Combat:3 Animal, Clinging, Entangle, Gargantuan, Poison, Short Move, Terror Dark Elf Priestess - Personality Points:76 Quality:3+ Combat:4 Cleric, Evil, Stealth Dark Elf Champion - Personality Points:65 Quality:2+ Combat:2 Combat Master, Evil, Lethal, Stealth Greater Giant Spider Points:86 Quality:3+ Combat:4 Animal, Clinging, Entangle, Huge, Poison Lesser Giant Spider Points:82 Quality:3+ Combat:4 Animal, Big, Clinging, Entangle, Poison Spider Swarm Points:24 Quality:4+ Combat:2 Animal, Clinging, Fearless, Poison, Short Move, Swarm Dark Elf Warrior Points:36 Quality:3+ Combat:3 Evil, Stealth Dark Elf Sneak Points:48 Quality:2+ Combat:2 Acrobat, Evil, Stealth, Traps Dark Elf Crossbow Points:56 Quality:3+ Combat:3 Evil, Poison, Shooter: Long, Stealth Duergar Slaves Points:46 Quality:3+ Combat:4 Evil, Poison, Short Move, S...

More Dungeon Building

Trying out a terrain tile and the configurations I can do with them. Shooting them on top of a lighted lightbox wasn't such a smart idea. It looked good at the time though :P

Savage Tribesmen

Caveman barbarians with bears and mammoth. WIP army. Savage Warrior Points:46 Quality:3+ Combat:4 Savage Savage Scouts Points:54 Quality:3+ Combat:4 Savage, Shooter: Medium War Mammoth - Personality Points:80 Quality:3+ Combat:2 Animal, Free Disengage, Gargantuan, Heavy Armor, Tailslap, Tough Were Bear - Personality Points:59 Quality:4+ Combat:3 Big, Savage, Tailslap, Tough, Were Special Rules: Animal - SBH; Big - SBH; Free Disengage - SBH; Gargantuan - SBH; Heavy Armor - SBH; Savage - SBH; Shooter: Medium - SBH; Tailslap - SBH; Tough - SBH; Were - SGD; Rulebooks: User - User Created; SBH - Song of Blades & Heroes; SGD - Song of Gold & Darkness; SWW - Song of Wind & Water; SAM - Song of Arthur & Merlin; SDG - Song of Deeds & Glory; SSL - Song of the Splintered Lands; SHF - Song of Hammer & Forge;

Brak the Gardener

Figures from my army of the Green. An assortment of models from Mageknight, D&D and Gormiti. Brak really shouldn't have stepped on that flower... posted from Bloggeroid

Gormiti Huorns WIP

Gormiti figures converted into Huorns. Painting and basing soon. posted from Bloggeroid