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Showing posts with the label wip

Painting the Dwarves

Painting the 1/72 crossbow elements of Caesar Miniatures' Dwarves set.

Sci Fi Installation

WIP 28mm terrain project

The Silverbacks: The 32nd Powered Mobile Infantry

Nexus 28mm Space Rangers

Bengal Lancers

WIP; 1:72

Grenadiers à Cheval de la Garde Impériale

WIP; 1:72

Ancient Britons

WIP ancient Britons in 20mm for DBA

Rat Pack!

I recently picked up a second-hand lot of skaven and started work on the core unita. I'll be making some as warbands first for Song of Blades and Heroes since I don't play Warhammer.

WIP Legion Etrangere

Slapping on the blue and tidying up the white. Damn, those mustaches look fine! posted from Bloggeroid

Sacre Bleu! Mustaches All Over!

WIP on the ESCI French Foreign Legion posted from Bloggeroid