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Showing posts with the label ESCI

Sacre Bleu! Mustaches All Over!

WIP on the ESCI French Foreign Legion posted from Bloggeroid

Painting the French Foreign Legion

One half of the vintage ESCI set, the figures with the blue capote. posted from Bloggeroid

ISU-122s with Warsaw Pact Troops

1:72 ESCI posted from Bloggeroid

French Foreign Legion

I was lucky enough to find a box of the ESCI French Foreign Legion in 1:72. The box was old, creased and a bit yellowed but the box art isn't faded. A plus for me since I dig good box illustrations :) These figures have been elusive for me since I had refrained from buying them when I was a kid since they didn't fit in the WW2 genre that was - in my mind - more popular. That is, until I got interested in 19th century adventure stories, especially with the aura of mystique that shrouded the French Foreign Legion. Beau geste, anyone? I was hooked! Sadly though, this set had vanished from local stores until recently when a collector decided to unload his set. More on these fellows soon! posted from Bloggeroid