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Showing posts with the label Starguard

Repainted & Rebased: Sci Fi Troopers

I-Kore Prosthene Marines from their Void line. I've made some conversions and shot them with card model buildings. Seen in one of the pictures is a retextured Gnat VTOL, a card model from Reverisco's John McEwan.

More on Starguard

First, a disclaimer is in order. I am in no way connected with Reverisco, nor Starguard. I stumbled on the site while looking for free paper models and would often browse the catalogue and read the fluff. Here's Reverisco's intro blurb for the Starguard product line : "Starguard is the granddaddy of all science fiction miniatures games. It was first published in 1974, before the roleplaying game explosion and at a time when SF and fantasy games were incredibly rare. The publisher, McEwan Miniatures, also produced a series of 25mm lead figures based on the various human and alien forces described in the game.  The Starguard rules and the accompanying miniatures line are not only still in production, but are continuously upgraded and expanded." Here's a small gallery of the paper models available for sale . And here's some background fluff . And a little point of interest. Notice how the guys up there -- a 25mm set which seems to have been design...

Cardstock: Gnat VTOL in 2 Schemes

I downloaded this paper model from Reverisco's free model download ages ago. They used to rotate the free model each month but lately I've been only seeing the starship corrider downloads. The model was designed by Jim Neal and redrawn and colored by John McEwan. It's a nifty little model scaled at around the old 25mm scale -- that is to say it seems compatible with Reverisco's Starguard line (the setting it was designed for) as well as 1/72 models. The hull is similar to most modern gunships like the Cobra and Apache. But instead of rotors, the Gnat has two rotating thrusters on either side. A weapons pod is located at the belly and I've been thinking of the other stuff I could scratchbuild for different payloads. The game setting & rules published by John McEwan is around 40 years old --making it the oldest commercially available miniature Science Fiction wargame! What began as a simple skirmish game inspired by Robert Heinlein's novel Starship Troopers h...