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Showing posts with the label 25mm

Men Of Gondor

The Adventurers

The dungeon is indeed growing and the adventurers are at the threshold of the labyrinth! I've decided to use Song of Blades and Heroes for this dungeon crawl with rules for treasure hunts and a magical item quest. As the dungeon takes shape, here are the first group of stout-hearted adventurers: Adaun Silentdraw Wood Elf Archer Points 50 Quality 3+ Combat 3 Special rules Shooter (Long), Forester Fram Flamhammer Dwarf Warrior Points 34 Quality 3+ Combat 4 Special rules Short Move Alistrae Twoblades Human, Thief Points 26 Quality 3+ Combat 2 Special rules Stealth Brehana Half-elf Wizard Points 70 Quality 2+ Combat 2 Special rules Magic-user, Forester Hannu the northerner Human Barbarian Warrior Points 36 Quality 3+ Combat 3 Special rules Fearless

The Dungeon Project: Blue Gray Tiles with Crevasses

More 7 x 5 tiles with a soft 1.5 " grid. Go around crevasses and be careful of the webs. Click the picture to access the big version then save to your hard drive. Print and mount on stiff board or foamboard. Trim to desired size and watch out for spiders!

Dungeon Melee

A sample layout using a few tile pieces. Brak, together with the elven brothers Adaun the ranger and Adaur the magician, clear the dungeon of trolls.  A batrep soon. :) Stats for A Song of Blades and Heroes: Troll Points 41 Quality 5+ Combat 4 Special rules Tough, Fearless, Big Cave Troll Points 54 Quality 4+ Combat 4 Special rules Big, Savage, Slow, Tough Human Barbarian Points 36 Quality 3+ Combat 3 Special rules Fearless Wood Elf Warrior Points 36 Quality 3+ Combat 3 Special rules Forester Elf Wizard Points 70 Quality 2+ Combat 2 Special rules Magic-user, Forester

The Dungeon Project: Blue Gray Basic Tiles

A simple 7 x 5 tile with a soft 1.5 " grid and a variant tile. Click the picture to access the big version then save to your hard drive. Print and mount on stiff board or foamboard. Trim to desired size and build the dungeon of your dreams!

A Quick Peek at the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Meal Miniatures: Heroes

More figures for the dungeon project.