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Showing posts with the label repainted/rebased

Sci-Fi Armored Mech Task Force

A mix of scales and models -- diecasts and plastics making up a small armored mech force for Scvi Fi wargames. A platoon of M1 Abrams supported by Medium class "Weaponsman" assault mechs. LAVs with  "MAAGs" (Mech Anti-Aircraft Gun walkers)  An MBT with a pair of "Cassowary" MRL Heavy walkers Abrams with a "Cyclops" Super-Heavy mech AFV column with "Gunslinger" Heavy Mech escort "MAAGs" (Mech Anti-Aircraft Gun walkers) variants with Sgt Yorks. IFVs with "Grunt"Medium Direct Fire Assault mechs 

The Dungeon Project: Orcs Below

In the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game, orcs are a primitive race of savage, bestial, barbaric humanoid. The orc was one of the earliest creatures introduced in the D&D game. The D&D orc is largely based upon the orcs appearing in the works of J. R. R. Tolkien. from Wikipedia More figures, this time of orcs and a mountain troll for my dungeon project. One of the orcs is a metal figure from the same line while the other is named "half-troll" but will be a suitable orc muscle guy :) These are from Mage Knight, with the click bases removed. these will be rebased and repainted.

Removing Clix Bases

Here's a trick I learned on the internet -- freeze a clix figure in the ref overnight. The cold makes the glue used to bond the figure to the base brittle. Remove the figure from the base by using a thin screwdriver to gently break off the glue. I've had problems with figure with thin ankles but I've managed to save them by removing the broken off feet from the base and regluing them back to the figure. Here are some Mage Knight Frost Minions I took off from their bases and glued on some gaming chips.

More of the Drow

“Drow are a dark-skinned sub-race of elves that predominantly live in the Underdark. They are generally evil... are shorter than many other sub-races of elves and, in common with most Underdark-dwelling creatures, have a tremendous resistance to magic. They also have a much higher birthrate than most other elves, but strife tends to keep their numbers down.” More on the Drow here .

The Dungeon Project: The Drow Are Massing!

The web grows ever larger... Huge Fiendish Spider - Personality Points:108 Quality:3+ Combat:3 Animal, Clinging, Entangle, Gargantuan, Poison, Short Move, Terror Dark Elf Priestess - Personality Points:76 Quality:3+ Combat:4 Cleric, Evil, Stealth Dark Elf Champion - Personality Points:65 Quality:2+ Combat:2 Combat Master, Evil, Lethal, Stealth Greater Giant Spider Points:86 Quality:3+ Combat:4 Animal, Clinging, Entangle, Huge, Poison Lesser Giant Spider Points:82 Quality:3+ Combat:4 Animal, Big, Clinging, Entangle, Poison Spider Swarm Points:24 Quality:4+ Combat:2 Animal, Clinging, Fearless, Poison, Short Move, Swarm Dark Elf Warrior Points:36 Quality:3+ Combat:3 Evil, Stealth Dark Elf Sneak Points:48 Quality:2+ Combat:2 Acrobat, Evil, Stealth, Traps Dark Elf Crossbow Points:56 Quality:3+ Combat:3 Evil, Poison, Shooter: Long, Stealth Duergar Slaves Points:46 Quality:3+ Combat:4 Evil, Poison, Short Move, S...

More Dungeon Building

Trying out a terrain tile and the configurations I can do with them. Shooting them on top of a lighted lightbox wasn't such a smart idea. It looked good at the time though :P

Savage Tribesmen

Caveman barbarians with bears and mammoth. WIP army. Savage Warrior Points:46 Quality:3+ Combat:4 Savage Savage Scouts Points:54 Quality:3+ Combat:4 Savage, Shooter: Medium War Mammoth - Personality Points:80 Quality:3+ Combat:2 Animal, Free Disengage, Gargantuan, Heavy Armor, Tailslap, Tough Were Bear - Personality Points:59 Quality:4+ Combat:3 Big, Savage, Tailslap, Tough, Were Special Rules: Animal - SBH; Big - SBH; Free Disengage - SBH; Gargantuan - SBH; Heavy Armor - SBH; Savage - SBH; Shooter: Medium - SBH; Tailslap - SBH; Tough - SBH; Were - SGD; Rulebooks: User - User Created; SBH - Song of Blades & Heroes; SGD - Song of Gold & Darkness; SWW - Song of Wind & Water; SAM - Song of Arthur & Merlin; SDG - Song of Deeds & Glory; SSL - Song of the Splintered Lands; SHF - Song of Hammer & Forge;

Brak the Gardener

Figures from my army of the Green. An assortment of models from Mageknight, D&D and Gormiti. Brak really shouldn't have stepped on that flower... posted from Bloggeroid

The Dungeon Project: Drow Warband

Deep below the earth, in the treacherous black of the Underdark, the dark elves known as the Drow flourish. Here's a warband led by a priestess and made up of her guard, drow assassins and giant spiders. posted from Bloggeroid

The Dungeon Project: Testing Out Tiles

Just testing out a few tile samples. I haven't decided if I should invest in ready-made tiles or just jump in and illustrate some on my own. Poor elf's gonna get clobbered. Or is he. posted from Bloggeroid