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Showing posts with the label mageknight

Removing Clix Bases

Here's a trick I learned on the internet -- freeze a clix figure in the ref overnight. The cold makes the glue used to bond the figure to the base brittle. Remove the figure from the base by using a thin screwdriver to gently break off the glue. I've had problems with figure with thin ankles but I've managed to save them by removing the broken off feet from the base and regluing them back to the figure. Here are some Mage Knight Frost Minions I took off from their bases and glued on some gaming chips.

Elves on the Workbench

Fast painting Elven elements for a Hordes of the Things army using old GW and Mageknight models. Messily base-painted, but good enough for now :) Currently, the army has the ff elements: 2 x Blades; 2 x Shooters; 1 x Magician (general) posted from Bloggeroid

Revisiting the Elves

I dug up some old GW elves as well as Mageknight figures and plan to repurpose them. With the local gaming club focusing on Warhammer 40k and Warmachine which isnt quite my cup of tea, I've decided to go back to AD&D Battlesystem 2nd edition and at the same time save some odds and ends for a HotT elven army. First things first though. Sorting time. posted from Bloggeroid

HOTT Dragonmen

Here's a WIP army for Hordes of the Things -- Dragonmen! The dragonmen are led by a dragon magician. This is the Silver Sorcerer from Dungeons and Dragons. Three stands of mixed lizardmen and troglodytes. The large klizardman is from Mageknight while the remaining ones are from Dungeons and Dragons. I like the lizardman. He resembles a T-Rex imho. And here are the dragonmen from Mageknight. I could only fit one figure per base but may play these as blades or maybe one as a hero. This lone stand will be a beast or lurker. Both are from Dungeons and Dragons. These large nasties are from Dinofroz. Behemoths probably. I'm not too keen on too many beasts. Most of the figures are repurposed Mageknight and Dungeons and Dragons figures with a smattering of toys from the Dinofroz line. I didn't bother to remove the original paint and just painted over the existing colors with base paint. I still need to do a lot of clean-up thou...