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Showing posts with the label sci-fi

Sci Fi Installation

WIP 28mm terrain project

Sci-Fi Armored Mech Task Force

A mix of scales and models -- diecasts and plastics making up a small armored mech force for Scvi Fi wargames. A platoon of M1 Abrams supported by Medium class "Weaponsman" assault mechs. LAVs with  "MAAGs" (Mech Anti-Aircraft Gun walkers)  An MBT with a pair of "Cassowary" MRL Heavy walkers Abrams with a "Cyclops" Super-Heavy mech AFV column with "Gunslinger" Heavy Mech escort "MAAGs" (Mech Anti-Aircraft Gun walkers) variants with Sgt Yorks. IFVs with "Grunt"Medium Direct Fire Assault mechs 

Sci Fi Hovertank

Dimestore sci-fi hovertank, probably good for 15mm.

More Trooper Colors

Still mucking about with colors for the old VOID Prosthene Marines.This time, three straight no-nonsense base colors (based on all things -- Mega Bloks Halo toys) and one urban camo greys based on the Philippine Presidential Security Group unit camouflage.

Space Rangers

28mm Warhammer 40K-esque Space Rangers from Nexus. These came in boxes of 5 troopers including a sergeant/NCO/leader and a choice of standard weapons and heavy weapons (a flamer, a plasma cannon and a heavy bolter/blaster)  so that a standard squad, heavy weapons squad or mixed squad can be formed.  More on these boys at my wargaming blog: Unboxing A Not-Space Marines army WIP Quick Battle More soon! posted from Bloggeroid

Imperial AT-ST and Troopers

The All Terrain Scout Transport (AT-ST), also known as the chicken walker for its two-legged design, was a bipedal walker used by the Galactic Republic during the late Clone Wars and, later and more extensively, the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War. the AT-ST was a heavily armed light ground combat vehicle, and able to trek various environments. The stock model was equipped with a chin-mounted double medium blaster cannon, a concussion grenade launcher on the starboard side of its head, two feet with claws, a blaster cannon on the port side, and was encased with 9095-T8511 grade durasteel. Wookiepedia The AT-ST's are repurposed food promo toys ( if memory serves me right, it was KFC) and the troopers are a mix of 28mm Star Wars miniatures figurines. The small scout force is my current project and I've taken pictures of them on my table with some trees and crumpled paper terrain.

Dimestore 28mm Sci-fi Gunship

Picked up two of these at the local grocery for less than a dollar each. Looks like the gunship from the film Avatar but scales nicely for 20mm to 28mm figures.   At the bottom are some comparison shots with a Wizkids Star Wars miniature (roughly 28-30mm) and a Zvezda 1/72 figure (20mm).  I'll drop by the store this weekend to see if they still have stocks.  posted from Bloggeroid

Nexus Steel Heroes 2

The box and artwork have a very 80's feel. The box illustration is highly evocative of the way Battletech axrylic illustrations were made then, with broad strokes and minimal suggestion of detail. As you can see on the box, at least three companies seem to have owned or own the line: Atlantic, Nexus and now Italeri. i also know that EM4 carries these figures. The painting above shows the mech scale seemingly different from the stated scale of 1/500 though as far as i can tell though. I'm basing my thoughts on the figures seen near the foreground, assuming these are 6 foot men. But that's the nice thing about sci-fi and fantasy! You can tell the rivet counters to chill:) Inside, you get a packet of 6 hex slotta bases, a sprue of robots and another sprue of weapons. You get two large humanoid models of the same type, a smaller pair of humanoid mechs and one "chicken" walker type. Plastic's sturdy and crisp. Reminds me of the old warhammer pla...