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Showing posts with the label 54mm

Gulf War US Infantry

I got lucky and got a few packs of these dollar store figures for around P50 each, which is pretty close to a US dollar. The figures are cast in a tan, hard plastic much like Tamiya 1:35 model kits, have a black wash and come with separate stands. These are the poses I've come across so far. The figures come in desert kit but nary a kneepad in sight. I can't identify the chest rigs but these could be from the First Gulf War. Anyway, they're the foundation for some 1:32 modern skirmish gaming.

Knight Templars

54mm Knight Templars. Playing around with a camera app on my Galaxy Wifi S. 'Nuff said.

54mm Giant Mummy

Here's a mummy from the Mega Blocks toy line that is a suitable Undead Giant for 54mm. Aside from the mummy, there's a winged vampire, demon, ghoul, Frankenstein's monster and a werewolf. Here's a side-by-side shot for size comparison.  After disposing of his enemy, the giant mummy looks around for his next opponent...   ... And engages in a deadly wrestling match with the giant scorpion! That stinger looks nasty!

54mm Monster Spider

Here's a D&D mini that could also serves as a monster for my planned 54mm skirmish. I'm not sure what the prepainted mini is called but I got it bulk with a boxul of assorted D&D minis. I'm not a fan of the prepainted and collectible miniature scene but I like most of the figures. The mini would also be a perfect Shelob for 28mm or 20mm figures!

54mm Fantasy Monster Scorpion

I'm refraining from basing my 54mm Egyptians for HotT and plan to use them first for skirmish games using the demo Ares rules I downloaded from Freewargamesrules and FUBAR Medieval from Gaw'd Help Us Games .  I picked up a giant scorpion from the halloween accessories stand at the toy store  that will serve as a monster the figures can do combat with. There's an even bigger scorpion toy available but I'm afraid my table space wont be able to accommodate it for gaming. The one shown above is pictured with a 54mm to 60mm figure. The weeks leading to Halloween would be the perfect time to look for creepy crawly nasties like this.

The 54mm Project: Egyptians

Here are some Egyptians from Supreme's 54mm playset bags. I do not have a complete set so there may be other poses I haven't come across yet. These come prepainted but will still get a repaint from me. The pack also comes with horses but they dont seem to match the set. These figs will be the core of my fantasy Egyptians for Hordes of the Things.

The 54mm project

It was that time of the year when one gets to the point that he really, really has to get stuff arranged. The Southeast asian summer had already come and gone but my hobby room is still uber messy with little space left to engage in model making. Last week, I hunkered down and began the long and tedious task of arranging everything. Lo and behold, an old, large box yielded packs of 54mm plastic toy soldiers. I sp[ent the next few hours sorting them out and decided to try and make some HOTT armies out of them. Here are a few of the figures I found. Hopefully, they'll be repainted and rebased as HOTT armies before the year is out. And hopefully, the hobby room gets cleaned up too. These pictures were also earlier posted at my toy collection blog . You can find notes about them there.

54mm Skeletons

Just want to share some models. I got these bagged in sets of 50 figures. Maybe cuz Halloween's near.