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Showing posts with the label FUBAR

Gulf War US Infantry

I got lucky and got a few packs of these dollar store figures for around P50 each, which is pretty close to a US dollar. The figures are cast in a tan, hard plastic much like Tamiya 1:35 model kits, have a black wash and come with separate stands. These are the poses I've come across so far. The figures come in desert kit but nary a kneepad in sight. I can't identify the chest rigs but these could be from the First Gulf War. Anyway, they're the foundation for some 1:32 modern skirmish gaming.

54mm Giant Mummy

Here's a mummy from the Mega Blocks toy line that is a suitable Undead Giant for 54mm. Aside from the mummy, there's a winged vampire, demon, ghoul, Frankenstein's monster and a werewolf. Here's a side-by-side shot for size comparison.  After disposing of his enemy, the giant mummy looks around for his next opponent...   ... And engages in a deadly wrestling match with the giant scorpion! That stinger looks nasty!

54mm Monster Spider

Here's a D&D mini that could also serves as a monster for my planned 54mm skirmish. I'm not sure what the prepainted mini is called but I got it bulk with a boxul of assorted D&D minis. I'm not a fan of the prepainted and collectible miniature scene but I like most of the figures. The mini would also be a perfect Shelob for 28mm or 20mm figures!

54mm Fantasy Monster Scorpion

I'm refraining from basing my 54mm Egyptians for HotT and plan to use them first for skirmish games using the demo Ares rules I downloaded from Freewargamesrules and FUBAR Medieval from Gaw'd Help Us Games .  I picked up a giant scorpion from the halloween accessories stand at the toy store  that will serve as a monster the figures can do combat with. There's an even bigger scorpion toy available but I'm afraid my table space wont be able to accommodate it for gaming. The one shown above is pictured with a 54mm to 60mm figure. The weeks leading to Halloween would be the perfect time to look for creepy crawly nasties like this.

Repurposed Alien Monsters for FUBAR

Here's a gaggle of tentacled alien monsters for use in our FUBAR games. The Zerg-like figures are from Wizkid's Heroclix line and they've been primed and rebased. The bases are cheap plastic poker chips around an inch plus in diameter. I haven't decided on a color scheme for these critters but might go with blue and yellow. Too many of my sci figs are already black and red.

Space Romans for FUBAR

Here are a few pictures of my Nova Romano troopers -- yup, Space Romans! These are old Void figures I managed to scrounge up. They'll be used in an upcoming game of FUBAR at my house opposite the other squads we've come up for the game. A Squad of Legionnaires The shield patterns were printed on stickers and stuck on the shields  Here are the Praetorians. They were painted earlier and received a semi gloss coat of varnish. Moving thru the buildings More soon!

Merry Christmas! And FUBAR to you too!

A very merry Christmas to everyone! May your family's Christmas be peaceful and joyous. And although my Christmas schedule has been oh so toxic of late, I've managed to cram in a few short games of FUBAR. We werent able to take pics of the whole battles but here are a few pix we'd like to share:) First up are the Terran Marines: And here are the Nova Romans: More to come!

FUBAR Unit Cards: Harrakian Leader and Rogues Hunting Pack

The figures are from Heroscape and we use them as Not-Predators. The Harrakians are basically not heavily armored, favoring camouflage rather than armor. This is shown by the Active Chameleon tech that basically allows them to always be treated as having moderate cover. The roll needed to hit the Harrakian is modified by +2, which is quite difficult.  I guess that's a pretty fair trade for having minimal armor. Plus, they have a devastating 4 volleys of 5 FP per figure that can target units as per the guided munitions rules from FUBAR's sci fi supplement. Let me know if you use the stats and how they work out for your game. A 4 man squad of these guys decimated 4 squads of troopers in a recent game!

FUBAR Unit Cards: Biomech Warriors and Cyclops Heavy Drones

Here are two more unit cards I designed for use with FUBAR, a neat set of skirmish rules for modern and sci-fi firefights. Check out the rules here and try out the stats I've drawn up using the supplements. Enjoy! Aliens coming soon!

FUBAR Unit Cards: Human Armored Troopers

Here are two unit cards I designed for use with FUBAR, a neat set of skirmish rules for modern and sci-fi firefights. You can check out the rules here and try out the stats I've drawn up using the supplements. Our first few games were fast and furious and FUN! Let me know what you think. The Biomechs are next! Enjoy!

Battle Report: Contact!

I finally got a chance to try out FUBAR and its Generic Sci Fi supplement. The one page skirmish rules play fast enough with very little in terms of record keeping, which virtually amounted to nothing -- not if you count the drafting of the unit stats as record-keeping. Firefights were fast and deadly, so was close combat but I'm not so hot about how some modifiers were used. Some called for raising a unit's stats by 1 or 2 while others add modifiers to the dice roll. Admittedly, familiarity with the rules will soon render my rant and confusion moot but nevertheless, that was one of the things that kinda slowed down things at one point. Overall all though, it was quite fun. I see using this ruleset more often. So here's a short battle report, enjoy! As usual, the pix are clickable.  A squad of armored troopers are sent to Station Zebra, a small military research station hidden in the tundra of Marius Secundus. The five man squad is dropped by a shuttle that returns to ...