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Showing posts with the label Middle-Earth

WIP 1:72 Uruk-hai Pikemen

Painting up the Fighting Uruk-hai armed with pikes and fighting in phalanx formation. 1:72 Dark Alliance half-orcs.

Men Of Gondor

Baruk Khazad!

Tolkienesque Dwarves for Hordes of the Things. I've added some elements that are more D&D such as the crossbow Shooters and the Goliath Behemoth but I can still easily morph these as more of a Tolkien-flavored Dwarf army, such as the Dwarves from the Iron Hills with Thorin and company as 2 elements of heroes... Anyway, these will be painted soon so more adjustments too. posted from Bloggeroid

Orcs! More Orcs!

An unpainted batch of GW Moria Orcs posted from Bloggeroid

Orcs! An Army Worthy of Mordor!

Here are 1:72 orcs from various manufacturers such as Caesar Miniatures and Orion/Dark alliance. Some are even Hat Industrie. These were based before for Warmaster, 2 figures to a base but since shifting my attention to Hores of the Things, I've decided to rebase some for a generic orc army, a Tolkien orc army and maybe another orc army version -- an AD&D one perhaps -- all for Hordes of the Things/Fantasy Impetus/DBx

The Riders of Rohan

28mm Games Workshop plastic figures. Painted with acrylics and inks. posted from Bloggeroid

Dimestore 28mm Sci-fi Gunship

Picked up two of these at the local grocery for less than a dollar each. Looks like the gunship from the film Avatar but scales nicely for 20mm to 28mm figures.   At the bottom are some comparison shots with a Wizkids Star Wars miniature (roughly 28-30mm) and a Zvezda 1/72 figure (20mm).  I'll drop by the store this weekend to see if they still have stocks.  posted from Bloggeroid

More of the Panzer IIIG

More WIP pics. posted from Bloggeroid