First, a disclaimer is in order. I am in no way connected with Reverisco, tin-soldier.com nor Starguard. I stumbled on the site while looking for free paper models and would often browse the catalogue and read the fluff. Here's Reverisco's intro blurb for the Starguard product line:
"Starguard is the granddaddy of all science fiction miniatures games. It was first published in 1974, before the roleplaying game explosion and at a time when SF and fantasy games were incredibly rare. The publisher, McEwan Miniatures, also produced a series of 25mm lead figures based on the various human and alien forces described in the game.
The Starguard rules and the accompanying miniatures line are not only still in production, but are continuously upgraded and expanded."
Here's a small gallery of the paper models available for sale.
And here's some background fluff.
And a little point of interest. Notice how the guys up there -- a 25mm set which seems to have been designed during the early 70's -- look like the guys down here:
Hmm...methinks some of the guys who made the first Star Wars film played Starguard.
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