Grey is a coat color of horses characterized by progressive silvering of the colored hairs of the coat. Most gray horses have black skin and dark eyes. Gray horses may be born any base color, depending on other color genes present. White hairs begin to appear at or shortly after birth and become progressively lighter as the horse ages. The color is most commonly seen in breeds descended from Arabian ancestors.
Many of us unfamiliar with horses call gray horses "white." However, a gray horse whose hair coat is completely "white" will still have black skin except under markings that were white at birth and dark eyes. This is how most people can tell a gray horse from a white horse. White horses usually have pink skin and frequently have blue eyes.
Aside from securing reference pictures rom around the net, one of the best tutorials I've read regarding painting model horses was written by Shepherd Paine. I got this book in Singapore and it was well worth the price. It's chockful of what the title promises -- tons of great advice and how-to's when building and painting scale figures.

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