A set of smallish 25mm Troopers from an unknown maker. I had asked help in identifying these from TMP and there were a lot of helpful responses. In fact, I remember one post that had a link to the actual toy brand these figures came out with. But for the life of me, I couldn't find the thread again so I'm in the dark -- again. I picked them up at a toy shop specializing in 2nd hand anime figures.
They're the regular troopers for my sci fi army together with the more elite Void figures featured previously. Regarding that post too, someone asked which skirmish rules we use for sci fi. I'll be posting stats of the Ad&D Battlesystem 2nd Ed houserules we made for scifi settings soon.
Any info you may have regarding the brand of these figures would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I bought a bag of these a couple of months ago but I'm not sure who made them! I'd love to find out as well!