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Riders of Rohan WIP

I managed to find time last weekend to start work on the Riders of Rohan from Games Workshop. My wife gave me a few boxes of these together with more orcs. I hope to use these with Ad&D's Battlesystem 2nd Edition.

 First off -- these figures are beautiful! The level of detail, the posing and the practicality of the parts are simply beautiful. The figures were designed and sculpted by Alan and Michael Perry who did an awesome job with GW's LOTR line. If you haven't yet, do yourself a favor and check out their fantastic line of historical miniatures. Their crusades line has been tempting me for the longest time. Head on out to Perry Miniatures here.

 Check out these poses. My only criticism with this line is that there are only 2 poses for the horses. The horse poses are indeed very dynamic and all but why only two? Plus, both attach to the stand using only 1 peg. I'm foreseeing a lot of bent and broken horse legs in the future:( 

I've started converting some of the horses mainly by switching the halves around. This same irritating dearth of poses marred the Warg Riders from the same line. Beautiful kit but sorely lacking in mount variability.  I also tried a new brand of putty -- Tamiya White putty -- which I found easier to work with than their polyester putty. Having said that though, I think I'll include both on my workbench since I suspect they'll be handy for different purposes.

Here are the contents of 2 boxes, with each box having 6 riders. One more box to go then I'll start work on the infantry!


  1. I really like the LOTR stuff... wish my group played. I will have to live vicariously through you instead!

  2. Those are lovely looking sculpts...6 in a box?....very tempted to get some. I really like the horse pose of the one pulling it´s head in.

  3. They look very good! Never see them with so closed pictures: I like those riders.
    Perhaps, I'll do like Paul: buy some!
    Hope we'll see them painted very soon....


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