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The Zvezda figure is the lone libyan in Zvezda's Set 8010 Carthaginian Infantry. It's a pity because I prefer the pose and sculpting of Zvezda over Hat's overly basic figures. The Zvezda Libyan even has an earring in his right earlobe and his shield and short sword are well sculpted. In addition, the Zvezda figure has virtually no flash while the Hat Industrie figures have some mold problems with one figure marred by a very misaligned face which can be seen below. when viewed from the side though, the pose is very pleasing and dynamic. too bad the ridge made by the misaligned mold can't be fixed.
I've made two veteran units of light infantrymen for use in Warmaster Ancients. Two figures make a stand and, in this case, four stands make a unit to show its veteran status. the figures are mounted on 40mm x 20mm bases. As some friends have noticed, all of my Carthaginian figures are still on painted, albeit bare, bases. I'm waiting to complete most of the units I need for the army before commiting to a basing texture which in this case would most likely be dry earth with a few grass tufts.
The figures were painted wearing a reddish leather tunic. To help add to the variety, I used fourdiferent reds from artist & craft acrylics -- toulodine red, scarlet, brilliant red and antique red. I read somewhere that these redish tunics were distinctive of these men but I cant seem to remember where I got that information. Overall, it was a challenge to make units of these men with only three poses but with some creative angling, I hope they ended up providing a satisfactory illusion for a large body of these fighting men. It would be nice if Zvezda made a set of these Libyans, both as heavy/medium infantry and as the more numerous light skirmishers.
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