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Heavy Metal Mayhem: Sci Fi tanks in action

28mm wargame model tank

 I couldnt resist. I've been working on my dirt cheap sci fi tanks and I snapped a couple of pix over the weekend. Then a slow day at the office pushing pixels led to my fooling around with the files and VOILA! The tanks aren't finished yet  -- detailing and decals and weathering to go -- but I opened one file to play around with in photoshop while I waited for my storyboard materials. Another one followed the first. Then another one. So here're the results of a lazy morning at the office. The pictures are clickable and opens my photobucket gallery. Let me know what you think:)

28mm wargame model tank

28mm wargame model tank


  1. Nice blog. Great tank camo. I too like searching the dollar stores and such to find these kinds of bargain vehicles.

    Would you like to exchange links?

  2. Great work. I was also tempted by some toy tanks recently (during the holiday season when all the cool toys come out) for sci-fi gaming. However I could only get away with a nice huge elephant model which will turn into a mumakil for my LotR gaming. Good to see your progress with these guys though!

  3. Hi Mike,
    Sorry for the late reply. Would be glad to exchange links:)

    @ Dogui, Thanks! btw, I enjoy looking thru your LOTR models and I'm green with envy seeing your pile of LOTR boxes!


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